Landlord Management strives to be a green company.
We make efforts every day to ensure we are doing the best we can in going green.
Energy Efficiency: Landlord Property Management will evaluate your property’s energy needs and will make every effort to reduce the building’s energy consumption.
Efficient Water Consumption: Landlord Property Management’s team will monitor your water consumption on a monthly basis allowing for quick discovery of possible leaks, advice on how to pinpoint the cause and avoid wasteful spikes in water consumption…Also saving you money in the long-run
Green Cleaning: Landlord Property Management affiliates itself with Green Cleaning Vendors…We only contract Green Cleaning Services that meet US Green Building Council (USGBC) standards for LEED compliance in their use of vacuums, chemicals, microfiber mops, and cloths to name a few.
Recycling & Garbage: Landlord Property Management strongly encourages the highest compliance with local Garbage Removal and Recycling Services by contracting Vendors that follow USGBC standards. If your building doesn’t recycle, you’re not doing your part!
Direct Deposit: Landlord PM offers FREE Direct Deposit of Monthly Dues allowing you to stop using paper checks, envelopes and stamps…Help save a tree! Enroll today…
Paperless Due’s Reminders: Every month Landlord PM will send you a Due’s invoice via email…This helps keep the operating account current and avoids wasteful usage of paper!
Paperless Reporting: We will supply you with Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports via email and/or CD-ROM!
Online Bill Payment: Landlord PM uses Banks that offer Online payment of bills which allows for many of these payments to be completed electronically…without a paper check.